7th BEHnet Workshop in Innsbruck

We are pleased to announce that the seventh Workshop in Behavioral and Experimental Health Economics will take place in Innsbruck, Austria. The workshop brings together economists who apply behavioral insights and experimental methods to health economics in order to present and discuss their research. The workshop is part of the activities of the Behavioural Experiments in Health Network

We welcome contributions on all topics within health economics applying experimental methods, be it laboratory or field experiments. The workshop will consist of keynote lectures delivered by and Sunita Sah (Cornell) and Marcos Vera-Hernandez (University College London) and four sessions with invited speakers, including a CEAR (Center for the Economic Analysis of Risk) special session. In addition, we will organize a poster session with 3 min. ‘blitz presentations’ in the plenum, followed by an additional hour for a more informal exchange with the presenters. The workshop will be concluded with a policy round table, where we will discuss the results of the workshop together with representatives from national and local politics as well as healthcare and insurance experts.

Besides the scientific part of the workshop, we will offer a social program for participants. This includes dinner in the newly built ‘Haus der Musik’ on February 6th, as well as a short hike on the mountain on February 8th.

Find more information on the official website of the workshop. Extended abstracts can be submitted until October 15th 2019.

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